FĂ ilt [Welcome]! Ciamar a tha thu [How are you]?

• The Fiery Cross Sign-up runs through March 1, 2011 [CLOSED]
• The Fiery Cross Clan Assignments & partners posted March 15, 2011
• Sporrans mailed by May 15, 2011

Outlandish Swap V: The Fiery Cross

Scottish clans were originally a Highland way of life. The Highland clan was, above all things, a family; a family in which everybody believed they were all, from chief to blacksmith, descended from one founder or progenitor. They regarded themselves as very close kinsmen. This Swap is dedicated to such clan families and will be organized into four clans.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Part 4 - I Hear No Music but the Sound of Drums (the poems challenge)

We had 20 participants for this tricky challenge!

There were 12 perfect scores, so these lasses received an extra point for their teams: Caireann & Zella of Clan Murray, Eilis, Ealasaid Farquharson, Imogene, Elspeth, Bree, Morven, Brighde & Muirne of Clan Beauchamp, and Ciara & Magaidh of Clan Fraser.

We did have an early bird and a sneaker for this round: Caireann Murray was our early bird, and Mollie Mackenzie was our sneaker -- an extra point for each was also awarded for these accomplishments!

After a random drawing out of the "perfects" by one of my boys,
I'm happy to announce that Imogene Beauchamp has earned her clan an extra 5 points -- well done!

Scoring for this game:

Murray: 29 + 2 + 1 = 32
Beauchamp: 95 + 8 + 5 = 108
Fraser: 20 + 2 = 22
MacKenzie: 20 + 1 = 21

Part 5 - 'Tis Better to Marry Than to Burn

This was our Cryptogram/Anagram/Drop Quote game extravaganza that you had 2 weeks to complete! We had 11 competitors (3 Murray, 6 Beauchamp, 1 Mackenzie, & 1 Fraser), and 5 (4 Beauchamp & 1 Fraser) who submitted a participation point email. 7 of those 11 were perfect scores. Those with perfect scores received 1 extra point for their team. These lucky (hardworking!) lasses are: Caireann, Zella & Bea Murray, Nematona & Muirne Beauchamp, Kinley MacKenzie, and Magaidh Fraser!

Of those 7 lasses, the winner of the drawing is: Muirne Beauchamp! Congrats on an extra 5 points, lass!!

The early bird goes to Caireann Murray, and the sneaker to Magaidh Fraser, for an extra point, each.

In addition, I'm awarding 2 lasses who managed to answer every. single. question. of this challenge correctly -- the maximum points were 25, but there were 33.5 points available. Caireann Murray and Zella Murray both managed each and every one! You each have earned an additional 3 points for your team! Braw job, lasses!

Scoring for this challenge is as follows:

Murray: 96 + 3 + 5 +1 + 6 = 111
Beauchamp: 137 + 2 = 139
MacKenzie: 28 +1 = 29
Fraser: 26 +1 +1 = 28

Part 6 - War of the Regulation

25 competitors in this game -- we raided each others "project" pages to find things that Claire's family may have wanted to give her for her birthday.

No extra points for this one -- everyone who participated received 10 points.

Beauchamp: 120 pts
Fraser: 40
Murray: 60
MacKenzie: 30

Part 8 - A Hunting We Will Go

There were 9 participants, 4 murray's & 5 beauchamps! I was quite liberal with the scoring, so there were no extra points awarded for this one.

Thus this game's scores are as follows:

Clan Murray: 40
Clan Beauchamp: 41

...and that is all of the games, completely scored! I'll be adding them all up & posting the final scores this afternoon or evening, but I have a sneaking suspicion of who is the winner (again), and think you all do, too... ;)

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