The last part is a collection of the previous nine. If ye are a clever lass you may use it to your advantage to save time with the other questions.
To reward the clever, only question 10 will be graded…of course you do not know the answers unless you answer at least part of each of the previous nine questions!
Good luck, lassies! (But not too much luck! )
1. a. What Hebrew letter is this:
b. What character expounds on this?
c. What did the character say about the occult meaning of this letter?
2. A) “It’s kept near the fleur-de-lys stamped jar in the healer’s box; what is this herb?”
B) This herb/plant is related to: ________
C) Answer B is used to do what in this section?
D) What other herbs/plants are mention in conjunction with answer B?
E) One of these herbs/plants produces a certain color, what is that color?
3. A riddle for you:
He learned from a famous Calvin;
although he bears more resemblance
to the wild man of Borneo…
“He” shares an acquaintance with Claire…
one who may have replaced
the dispicable du Carrefours.”
Please answer:
Who is the shared acquaintance, and
what city did each of these people
meet their common acquaintance in?
4. Her home in France seems to include much from a nearby country. Along with the intentional acquisitions, there is a fugitive from the same country. Name the “acquisitions” (both animate & inanimate), and the fugitive from this country.
5. Translate this:
Pater noster, qui es in caelis:
sanctificetur Nomen Tuum;
adveniat Regnum Tuum;
fiat voluntas Tua,
sicut in caelo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie;
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;
et ne nos inducas in tentationem;
sed libera nos a Malo
6. a life has been lost
a life is placed at the foot
a color remains
Whose life?
Whose life?
What color?
7. Name the man who wrote:
“freedom and Whisky gang tegither”
and name his poem too!
name the man, name the poem
8. A limb that’s injured
a creamy colored treatment
the beast who caused it
whose limb?
what is the treatment?
what beast?
9. News so long delayed
hand does not match appearance
“she” is met mid way
news regarding what place?
whose hand?
“she” is met by whom?
10. Fill in this crossword — or simply send us the words in a list format. The answers with 2 words do include an empty space in between the first and second word.
2. question 4 (2 words)
3. question 9
5. question 3 (2 words)
8. question 6
9. question 8
1. what did you translate in question 5 (2 words)
4. question 2 (2 words)
6. question 1
7. the word in question 7 that starts with an “E”
~Ladies of Clan Fraser
Note: I know the crossword is a bit difficult to read. I'm in the process of getting a bigger version that you can see the numbers, but until then:
From the top down the across clues are 2, 3, 5, 8 and 9. From Left to Right for down clues are: 6, 7, 1 and 4
This round of the Highland Games ends at midnight March 28. Submit your answers
Best of luck ladies